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or read the text below for a FULL explanation.

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It is estimated that 30%–50% of travellers become ill or injured while abroad.
Most of these conditions are trivial. However, the risk of serious injury may be greater when travelling.
the Medical Journal of Australia

What is happening?

When you scan the ETD QR Code using the camera of a smartphone (like an Android, iPhone, Widows phone etc.) a browser page on your phone will open and you will see an example of a person's Personal Details and their Medical History. In our example it is 'Joe Citizen' whose personal contact details and travelling details are displayed. His example shows the type of information you can CHOOSE to display. Remember, no-one will ever see that data unless they scan the ETD QR code and to do that, you would have to be unconcious.

Just imagine that YOU are unconscious after an accident or because of a stroke/ heart attack or even being brutally attacked etc either down the street OR overseas. We truly hope that NEVER happens. But what if it did?

The medical history provided will allow doctors to treat you immediately, should you be unconcious, because they will be aware of your allergies and any vital medications you require.

Additionally, your current (home country) doctor's contact information will be available to them if needed.
PLUS, if you provide it, a friend/family contact name and number is available to inform them of your circumstances.

In this case, Joe, the example in the adjacent QR code, has also purchased the Destination by Destination option (an extra AU$11 for 3 months' travel) and so the police and medicos will be able to contact his current accommodation, local contact etc. to inform them of his whereabouts, should the unfortunate case be that he is unconcious or cannot communicate. And, if needed, inform his next accommodation and local contact of his circumstances.

The Destination by Destination option will be handy for medicos to know if there has been an infectious breakout in a previously visited country which might affect Joe's recovery.

This is NOT Travel Insurance but Travel 'Assurance' - Peace of Mind while you are out of your home - even just down the street. So, if things turn bad whilst you are away from home, Emergency Travel Data has your back.

Are you using your phone to view this site?
This site is best viewed on a larger screen.
If you would rather see this on a larger computer (recommended), we will send a link to your email address.
you can send the link to a friend.
Remember to let them know first.


Get LIFELONG protection right NOW
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Whenever you are outside your home, and you meet with an event which leaves you unconscious, you need some sort of assurance that whoever finds you in your position of helplessness, can access your (LIMITED) personal and medical details. It could be the Police or the hospital medical practitioners to whom your are delivered. But YOU decide what you would like to disclose and what you do not wish to.

Travelling worldwide is normally SAFE, But what happens to you if YOU:

  • are hit by a car/motorbike and become unconcious?
  • suffer a stroke or heart attack?
  • are waylaid by locals and are unconcious?
  • are affected by ANY event which sees you unconcious or unable to speak and in need of medical assistance?

Your ETD QR code will offer that assurance.

It's FAST to signup (less than 5 minutes) and is VERY affordable AND it's LIFELONG.

Also, police/medical staff can be advised of each of your contacts in each destination you travel. Without a fuss, your local contact can be called to assist you in whatever way is needed. You can even name the accommodation so that they can be informed.


Worldwide Coverage
 Sign up now 

Because this is a QR code which can be used by any smart phone or iPhone which has native QR scanning in any country, you are covered worldwide in case of an emergency.

Because of the COVID pandemic, many people have become used to using their phone's camera to scan a QR code. This is NO different. Simply scan the QR code provided using a phone's camera and all of your (LIMITED) medical details and, if you so choose, your local contact and accommodation details will be available to the police/medicos.

There are some phone brands/models which do not have native QR code scanning ability. If yours is one of those, it does not matter. One of the police or medicos will have one and that is what is important. However, if your phone does not scan QR codes, you probably already know because it did not work during the COVID pandemic. No problems! Simply download a QR scanner app from Google Play Store or Apple Store. For your phone to scan the ETD QR code is not important but it is nice to see it work.

I'm In. I Want One!

Want to tell a friend/colleague about this site?
If you do, we can send a link to their email address.
Please let them know that you have sent them an email.

You can easily afford this protection
 Sign up now 

There are NO people in this process - it is just YOU and the ETD database. Because your details are held SECURELY in a database ready for use, if the time comes when they are needed, no-one needs to intervene. Everything is done with a QR Code. Simple!
Depending on the options you choose, you can purchase it for AU$33 for LIFE!.

You can choose the level of Travel 'Assurance' you wish
 Sign up now 

Travelling for many people can be a once-off event. They only need to be covered for a short time. For others, they may be cruising around the world and so need to record their local contacts or local phone at each destination. Alternatively rather than a small, once-off holiday, some travellers would like the comfortable knowledge that they have their medical records at hand whenever they travel even if it is just going out for the day or just down the street.

There are 2 options:

  • Medial Records ONLY - AU$33 per person - for lifetime access
  • Medial Records (lifelong AU$33) AND Destination by Destination information
    add AU$11 per person - 3 month limit

So simple and easy to use!
 Sign up now 

Simply keep the QR code in your purse or wallet. Or glue it to the back of your phone or keep it in your phone case. Maybe do all three. The QR code is yours to do with as you wish. You can even make it your phone's home screen!

That way when an incident happens, and if you are unresponsive, police will check your property to see who you are. The QR Code will be labeled "Police - Doctors SCAN Me". Police will immediately have all the information they need and the medicos will be able to immediately know what medications, complications - anything at all! that you have chosen to disclose to them.

Start right NOW! Ensure you have medical records first!
 Sign up now 

The signup form is below. It is easy to follow. You will be asked to pay when you submit the form and the transaction is handled SECURELY by STRIPE. NO financial details are held at all by Emergency Travel Data in any way. We do retain your invoicing details so that you can access your invoices at any time.

For more information about STRIPE please CLICK HERE (a new browser page will open and when you close it - or press < to go back, you will be right back here.) There is also more information about STRIPE in the FAQ.

Emergency Travel Data QR Code - it all starts here

Before you start, you may want to have all the medical details you wish to disclose and your credit card.
However, you can complete the form without your medical records and fill them in later using a link provided in and email sent to you.

Also, before you start, please ensure that you have read our Terms & Conditions and our Privacy Policy

If you are providing destination by destination data, you can do that at any time. You will recieve a link in an email so that you can edit all personal detals and add/edit destinations.

Get LIFELONG protection right NOW
 Sign up now 


If you are only opting for 'Medical Records ONLY - then that is it. You are set and ready to go. You will receive your QR Code via email. It is able to be used from then on throughout your life and can be updated whenever you wish.

If you opt for 'Medical Records AND Destination by Destination' information - then you will be provided with a link to fill in each destination, dates, accommodation etc - you only fill in what you wish. You will receive your QR Code via email.

In both scenarios, you will be able to edit your personal details and medical details later.

PLEASE NOTE: Each separate traveller must have their own Emergency Travel Data ID - created by the form.